Narrative is a part of my thesis project. I have been researching and questioning what beauty means and analyzing the ways in which beauty is classified—and why. To explore this further, I’ve been experimenting with ways to gather information. In this part of my project, I have explored more about beauty by putting out a survey collecting people's perception through images.
Images have their individual power and meaning. By combining and overlaying them on top of eachother strips away that influence it has on you and is being created into a completely new form with it own meaning and having its own visual understanding. I explored this by working in two ways, by intent and by chance. Intent means 3-4 images were choosen and overlayed on top of eachother and edited using photoshop to bring out the surreal shapes and form. Chance is about the images being layered using 3 projectors running a slideshow of random images and creating new compositions which had a very different visual impact.